Our Sunday service starts at 10:30 am in Dwight Chapel. You can access it on Zoom through the following link:
Welcome to Yale! We pray that you will feel at home in this place.
The International Church at Yale is a international, interdenominational community of followers of Jesus who gather for worship at Yale. Our vision is to encourage one another to grow in love and faith so that we may serve as a visible representation and witness to the Kingdom of God on the Yale campus and serve the university community, particularly its international students, scholars, faculty, and their families.
Our primary weekly meeting is on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, followed by fellowship and lunch together. See the sidebar for the location. If you have children, we also have children’s church during the main service.
Anyone is welcome to attend our services, regardless of any religious background. You are welcome, no matter if you consider yourself a believer in Jesus, or are curious to learn more about the Christian faith, or simply want to practice your English.
We also offer an in-person English Conversation Class on Sunday mornings at 9:45am (or a parallel online course via zoom at 9:30). This is not a religious meeting, but a fun chance to practice English and ask any questions you might have, for example about tips for surviving at Yale. More information is here: English-conversation
We hope that you will find us to be a warm and caring community that welcomes you in friendship and helps you to feel at home here at Yale. Our services are informal, and you are welcome to come wearing whatever clothing you wear every day. American students and scholars and their families are also welcome at our services - particularly if you would like to help international students feel at home in this country. Throughout the academic year we offer special social gatherings and day-trip outings, as well as ways to explore or grow deeper in the Christian faith. You are most welcome!
If you have any questions about our church or our worship services, feel free to contact Stuart as listed below.
The best source of news on what is happening with our church (besides coming in peson) is our email list. Please contact fred.sigworth@yale.edu to get the latest announcements and be added to the list. Also see our Coming Events page.
We wish you a successful and blessed experience at Yale, and hope that we may have opportunity to meet you personally.
Yours cordially,